Finding A Job After College: Increase Your Chances Now

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It used to be the norm that a child went to school, graduated from college, looked for a job and became successful. These circumstances have digressed a lot, and this notion is slowly dissolving into oblivion. Ironically, finding a job after college has become a big headache for most degree holders.

finding a job after college

What the Data and Statistics Show

According to some recently published research, one in every two college graduates is either unemployed or underemployed, and a college degree is no longer deemed a guarantee for success. The average college graduate now gets to land his first job at about 3 to 6 months after receiving his diploma. This implies, not only the great difficulty of getting ahead of competitors, but also finding and implementing the right strategy and grabbing that much-coveted career.

A lot of new graduates find it tremendously challenging to land that first job. Some employers are biased against fresh-from-college applicants for so many reasons ranging from being too self-absorbed to not having the right skills or a good work ethic.

10 Steps to Finding a Job After College

Here are some steps to increase your chances of jumpstarting your career after bagging that degree.

1) While still in college, find time to meet with career counselors to make sure that you’re on the right career path. It’s fine to change your mind, and your degree course, but at least, initially, you should have a plan.

2) Find free, hands-on learning opportunities. It’s good to equip yourself with skills and knowledge that you may have the chance to use later on. Have an open attitude in acquiring new skills, using advanced technology and learning current methods or systems to continually build on what you already have.

3) Socialize online. However, don’t just limit yourself to Facebook. Use LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media sites to expand your network and leverage your online presence. This way, you can get to befriend new people, discuss in the forums, and also learn about other contemporary and unique topics. It would be useful to be part of online sites or forums which offer employment opportunities, or free online learning tools/modules.

4) Become more than just your resume. Broadening your interests will make you more competitive and attractive in the job market. One example of this is setting up a blog, like a food blog perhaps. You can showcase your own culinary adventures, like baking cakes and pastries, or probably feature exotic food you’ve tried in different places.

5) Get an internship. Most internships can lead you to get that job opportunity you’ve been wanting to have. Furthermore, even if you don’t actually land a job in the same firm, it can present a good impression on your resume, especially if you get a favorable feedback from the said firm.

6) Treat each application as special. Prepare thoroughly for every job interview you have. Do a research on the company so you’ll have an idea of what the company does. This way, you’ll have a relevant answer ready just in case the interviewer will come up with this question.

finding a job after college

7) Networking is key. Connections and recommendations are valuable. They can even land you the right job. Being part of a group makes you belong to it and a lot of members are always willing to help out. Use this to your advantage to facilitate your goal of finding a job.

8) Find your passion. Some say it’s good to follow your passion, yet some say it’s not. It’s just a matter of knowing what you enjoy doing and trying to make a career out of it. Once you find your passion, doing it repeatedly will make you an expert on it, and therefore will let you establish a successful career.

9) Love yourself. Know what you want and go for it. Be confident, but don’t rest on your laurels. Always reinvent yourself. Being a go-getter is unfailingly appealing to most employers, so you have to know how to market yourself in such a way where you won’t seem egotistical or conceited.

10) Be open. If you’re always focused on getting only one single job, you might miss out on other job opportunities that could also help you get there. You might not be able to hit your goal in a single shot, but sometimes there has to be detours along the way, so you have to be open to these possibilities.

Finding a job after college can be a daunting task, but following these top tips, you’ll be starting your own professional career in no time.


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